8:30am - 5:30pm M-F and 9am - 6:00pm on Sat | 469-FREEDOM

Patriot Mobile Members Have a Story, Purpose

Everyone has a story. When someone calls in to Patriot Mobile, we cherish that. We aren’t just partnering with an account number, we’re doing life with a real, live, human that shares our values and has committed to support Conservative victories. Patriot Mobile is not your average cell phone company. We fight the good fight. […]

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Preserve and Protect

I’ve always rested on the notion that what you tolerate, you accept. We live in a society where people are afraid to make decisions, afraid to step out and stand for something. We live for the moment, the weekend, the next video. We get our opinions from social media. We trust our emotions more than […]

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Celebrate Christ. Celebrate LIFE.

Do not be afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of great joy which will be for all the people; for today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. Luke 2:10-11 Many of us consider Christmas to be a time to focus on […]

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Do Not Fear Change

Change can be intimidating. Most people don’t like it, and many people actively resist it. People thrive on a routine – on what’s comfortable, normal, and safe. Progress comes with a cost and that usually requires change. I’m a planner by nature. As a strike-fighter pilot in the Navy, we planned every mission beforehand. Planning […]

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The Meeting of the Waters

The Meeting of the WatersThere’s a fascinating natural phenomenon found deep in the heart of Northern Brazil. A friendly, sand-colored river, The Solimões, rushes alongside the dark and murky Rio Negro on their journey to joining the lengthy Amazon river. Due to their density, speed, and temperature, the two cannot mix, and consequently, the anomaly […]

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The Opposite of Compromise

I recently received a memorandum that took my mind by force. The letter was a call-to-action, a stark persuasion to vote in the upcoming election, claiming the future as fragile and potential conservative losses historic. I wholeheartedly agree. We are in the fight of our lives. The history that precedes us has warned us. The […]

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Patriot Mobile: Creating a Culture That Serves

“The measure of a leader is not the number of people who serve him but the number of people he serves.” John C. Maxwell Leadership. Gold. Glory. Growth. Fast-paced persistence among high-tower spectacles. Guts and glamour for the charismatic and powerful. Highly educated, well-dressed, and overtly talented. Perceptive, experienced, successful. Yet somewhere in the paper […]

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Integrity Found a Foothold at the Values Voter Summit

Integrity inspires. It brings us together. Integrity begets unity, and unity breeds strength. Enter the Values Voter Summit. More than a political rally. More than hype. And in a time like this, we all could use a little more. More solid truth. More unbreakable, unshakable peace. Patriot Mobile not only had the privilege of sponsoring […]

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