8:00am - 5:30pm M-F and 9am - 6:00pm on Sat | 469-FREEDOM

Do not be afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of great joy which will be for all the people; for today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. Luke 2:10-11

Many of us consider Christmas to be a time to focus on family, cherish our loved ones, and honor the baby born in a manger who would eventually become the Savior of the world. To fully appreciate the story, we look to the Bible to draw wisdom from the written Word. It is here that we find a story of struggle, of hope, and a reason to celebrate.

Just imagine the challenge of traveling to a foreign land at nine months pregnant, facing a lack of resources and going through childbirth in a barn on the night Jesus entered the world. Joseph was unsure, and Mary was weary. The fear and shame were burdensome; it was terribly inconvenient.

Yet through one difficult sacrifice came the greatest gift of all.

What does that mean to us in our current day? It’s easy to get caught up in the current state-of-affairs and deviate from what Christmas is all about. Hosting Christmas gatherings and transporting kids on vacation requires attention and diligence, but it would be to our benefit to focus on LIFE and the fact that a pregnancy – the genesis of a new human, is the way that Christmas began.

Sometimes we are dealt a hand that is difficult or unexpected, but great goodness can come out of every trial, and certainly, out of every LIFE. Ending a pregnancy – terminating a life – because it’s inconvenient or financially challenging is not within our authority and should not be within our ability.

Our Director of Marketing inspires us daily with her story: “My mom got pregnant at 16 and was so brave to live a life she didn’t plan for. She was encouraged to get an abortion but chose to have me instead. I would have never believed that my life would be used to fight for freedom daily as I serve in my capacity at Patriot Mobile.”

Tony Perkins, President of Family Research Council, says it like this, “He had a plan for…so many people we can’t imagine the world without. There are almost 60 million other voices we’ll never hear, inventions we’ll never have, football games we’ll never watch because of abortion.”

This year, the pro-life movement has advanced its agenda to abolish abortion. Amendment One, passed this year in Tennessee, added this verbiage to the state’s constitution: Nothing in this Constitution secures or protects a right to abortion. Pro-life organizations like the Susan B. Anthony List and Students 4 Life influenced American states by lobbying for laws that put limitations on how abortion clinics are run and rulings that keep Medicaid from paying for the procedure.

These victories are crucial to American culture and prosperity. Wins like these further establish the defining cause of the pro-life fight: Life begins at conception. Consider this: Jesus came into the world as a conceived human being who lived nine months of a human life before He was revealed, or born, on Christmas Day (Luke 1:41-44). The Word is clear – the promises of God, and even the promises of our Constitution and Declaration – are for the born and unborn alike.

This year, Patriot Mobile wants to encourage you to celebrate LIFE as you celebrate Christ.

Merry Christmas to you and yours,

Your U.S. Based Patriot Mobile Team

Pregnant? Take advantage of the Live Chat hosted by Susan B. Anthony List for free, confidential help, information about pregnancy signs and symptoms, and information on all your options.