8:00am - 5:30pm M-F and 9am - 6:00pm on Sat | 469-FREEDOM

Amidst the widespread pro-Hamas, anti-Israel, anti-American protests erupting throughout college campuses nationwide, Patriot Mobile stands firmly against violent antisemitism. We call on all Americans, including American companies, to not only condemn such actions but also show your support for Jewish students through tangible efforts.

History serves as a stark reminder of the atrocities and injustices inflicted upon the Jewish community by oppressors in the not-so-distant past. We understand that allowing antisemitic activities to persist can pave the way for further discrimination and ultimately erode the freedoms and rights of all.

In addition to the pro-Israel events we participated in last week, on May 8, Patriot Mobile joined Sean Feucht’s United for Israel March and Rally at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, CA. Sean has been a voice of love and solidarity across the nation, leading peaceful, prayerful praise and worship events on numerous campuses to assure our Jewish students that they are not alone.

United for Israel March and Rally at USC in Los Angeles, CA

As our contribution to the March, Patriot Mobile provided hundreds of t-shirts that read “Jewish Lives Matter” on the front and “Patriot Mobile Stands with Israel” on the back. The event was packed with people of many faiths standing together against antisemitism. The peaceful demonstration gave Jewish students a voice, showing them that Christians are standing with them and praying for them.

During the event, a plane bearing the message “Israel is forever, Jewish lives matter” flew overhead. Patriot Mobile is a co-sponsor of the initiative to fly these banners over several universities nationwide.

Flyover above USC in Los Angeles, CA

Patriot Mobile joined the Jewish Lives Matter movement alongside many Christian organizations. Spearheaded by Janet Porter, President of Faith2Action Ministries, when pro-Hamas demonstrations started erupting across the United States, the website www.jewishlivesmatter.us was created to counteract false narratives in education today and educate students and adults about the true history of Israel. The website relevantly compares today’s protests to the 1930 German “Hitler Youth” group that stormed college campuses. In 1926, the Nazi Party founded the National Socialist German Student League to foster ideological training. They were called the “Brown Shirts” because of their brown attire to outwardly show they were Nazi loyalists, embracing National Socialism. They directly targeted Jewish students and Jewish faculty members, much like the pro-Palestine, pro-Hamas protesters are doing today.

Website: jewishlivesmatter.us

Dr. James Dobson with “Jewish Lives Matter” t-shirt

Coach Joe Kennedy

Patriot Mobile wants to highlight that there is much more than what is being shown in the mainstream, left-leaning media. The image of the fraternity boys at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill protecting the American flag will be one of the memorable moments of this time in history. One student said they endured the anti-Israel crowd throwing water bottles, rocks, and sticks and being called profane names as they defended the flag so many fought to protect.

Twitter: @estradguillermo

Similarly, students at Ole Miss proudly sang the Star-Spangled Banner to drown out the anti-Israel protestors on campus.

What you won’t see on the fake news is that even at UCLA, there were powerful, peaceful demonstrations in support of Israel.

Pro-Israel demonstration at UCLA

Patriot Mobile stands with Israel and our Jewish brothers and sisters. In addition to flying the banners, Patriot Mobile has sponsored multiple marches, prayer rallies, and other events in support of the Jewish community. Patriot Mobile is one of the few companies that publicly made a statement in support of Israel after the October 7th attacks.

Patriot Mobile Financial Analyst, Jacob, speaks at the Stand Up For Israel rally in Dallas, TX

Patriot Mobile believes in the freedom of speech for all people but condemns actions that incite violence and threaten the safety of individuals based on their religion or nationality. In the face of Hamas militants and their supporters, we must speak up and stand against violent antisemitism. Remember, persecution of Jews, if left unchecked, will lead to the persecution of others.

Through our collective strength and voices, we can end this antisemitic movement once and for all.