8:30am - 5:30pm M-F and 9am - 6:00pm on Sat | 469-FREEDOM

Disgusted with Congress – Take Action

Patriots, this is a critical time in our country. We believe it’s imperative to hold Senators accountable for the unfair process surrounding Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation. Patriot Mobile stands solidly in support of the Judge and against the disgraceful effort by Sen. Feinstein and some of her colleagues to impugn his sterling character. We do not […]

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POTUS Nominates Judge Kavanaugh as Supreme Court Justice

Fellow Patriots, President Donald Trump announced Judge Brett Kavanaugh as his nominee to the Supreme Court last night. Once confirmed, Judge Brett Kavanaugh will fill the vacancy of retiring Justice Anthony Kennedy. This is the second time that President Trump has had the opportunity to nominate a high court justice from the list of names […]

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Happy National Marriage Week!

This week is the National Marriage Week (February 7-14), an initiative founded over a decade ago to help strengthen relationships and bring awareness to the many benefits marriage offers individuals, families, government, and societies. According to The Family Research Council, “Marriage is the most intimate of all human relationships, uniting a man and a woman […]

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Americans, Respect the OFFICE!

Being an American is a beautiful thing. We are all so different, but we can all come together at the end of the day to share a home and the title of being an American. That’s where we show our patriotism and pride. That’s what we celebrate on the 4th of July. Because we can […]

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Church and State CANNOT be Separated

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” It is my hope that this statement is never forgotten. […]

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10 Reasons to Vote Conservative

Here at Patriot Mobile, we realize that sometimes voting for a Conservative candidate can be hard, but we know it is worth it! On the days you feel like forgetting, or you are discouraged with the party, you can read this list and go back and VOTE! 1. A tax system that welcomes job creators […]

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Abortion: Does Love (REALLY) Win?

Abortion. The number one killer in our world today, more than HIV or AIDS or diabetes or cancer or you name it! It is stripping the lives away of potential Presidents, astronauts, biologists, or business leaders. Pro-Life versus Pro-Choice debates have been well under way since the 1960s, but from the turn of the century […]

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Put Your Money to Work- Shop Conservative!

Admit it. We all naturally have beliefs, opinions, thoughts and ideas. These could be related to religious or political beliefs, views toward social issues or merely just an opinion about what we will have for dinner tonight. It’s natural! We just can’t help it! Because we have these opinions, sometimes we must voice them, whether […]

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