8:00am - 5:30pm M-F and 9am - 6:00pm on Sat | 469-FREEDOM

Recently, Patriot Mobile proudly sponsored CPAC, the largest and most influential conference of conservatives in the world. The Patriot Mobile team gathered with thousands of patriots from all over the country in sunny Orlando, Florida, rallying around this year’s theme, “Awake, Not Woke.”

We heard from some of the biggest voices in the conservative movement, including Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, Senator Ted Cruz, former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and many others. President Donald Trump spoke to the attendees on Saturday evening to a packed and excited room. President Trump’s influence doesn’t seem to have waned since leaving office, easily winning CPAC’s 2024 presidential straw poll amongst a dozen prospective candidates.

The Patriot Mobile team represented the company with a popular booth in the exhibit hall. We had the chance to talk with thousands of patriots during the four-day conference, share our mission, and sign up new members who were excited about leaving Big Mobile and joining a company that shares their values. We also had the opportunity to meet some of our existing members who enthusiastically stopped by to visit us between speaking sessions.

Mercury One, a non-profit organization Patriot Mobile supports, also joined us at our booth. The Mercury One team presented original artifacts from important moments in American  history, which drew a lot of interest from attendees.

At the Ronald Reagan gala, radio host and author Glenn Beck gave a phenomenal speech on where we’re at in this country. Special guest Tulsi Gabbard spoke eloquently on her love for America and the Constitution. Her acceptance to appear and speak at the conservative conference was a surprise to many – with various reactions from conservatives. We appreciated her willingness to reach across the aisle, despite our differences.

Sunday afternoon, Donald Trump Jr. ended the conference with an electrifying speech, sending the attendees back home challenged to fight more boldly for America. Don Jr. even recommended Patriot Mobile from the stage. “We need to put our money behind companies that share our values. I’m looking right over here at Glenn from Patriot Mobile… You can give your money to AT&T, the parent company of CNN and you can pay the salary of Don Lemon or you can support someone like Patriot Mobile,” he said.

What a phenomenal few days at CPAC Florida! The Patriot Mobile team was blessed to meet so many freedom-loving patriots during the conference. This is why we love sponsoring CPAC every year. Getting the chance to make connections with Americans from all over the country is invaluable.

CPAC will be hosting another conference in Dallas, Texas – our home state. We are excited to be a Presenting Sponsor again. See you in Dallas August 4-7!