8:30am - 5:30pm M-F and 9am - 6:00pm on Sat | 469-FREEDOM

America wants guns, do you?

Americans are buying firearms at a rapid pace. According to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System. 4.3 million firearm background checks were completed in January 2021, nearly double than in January 2020. Despite the loud calls from the left for more gun control, or even total 2nd Amendment revocation, American’s are fighting harder than […]

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What about the border?

May 20, 2021 Under the crashing waves of gas shortages, millions of unfilled jobs, and the constant rain of bombs over Israel, the media and the Democrats seem to have hit the snooze button on the unabated surge of unaccompanied minor immigrants across our southern border states. There are currently over 22,000 unaccompanied children now […]

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Pro-choice? Choose life.

February 3, 2021 By Ellie Kate Tradup, Marketing Coordinator Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. (Galatians 6:9) Since joining Patriot Mobile in 2020, and as a conservative young woman, I have been looking forward to participating in […]

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Christmas includes an Epiphany

By Ellie Tradup, Patriot Mobile During the Christmas season, it’s easy to get swept up in the hustle and bustle. Between buying presents, coordinating celebrations with family and friends, and finding ways to serve the community, we often get caught up and forget who we’re celebrating and the gravity of His sacrifice. We’ve all felt […]

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Make every vote your most memorable

Glenn Story, President and co-founder, Patriot Mobile Checking the box by Ronald Reagan on my 1984 election ballot was a moment I’ll never forget. It was the first time I was old enough to vote for president. I felt powerful and proud. That day, my dad reminded me of something persuasive Reagan said in a […]

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Essential Business Learnings During Quarantine for COVID-19

As all Americans and the world experience this time of social distancing and quarantine, our all US-based team has learned some incredibly valuable lessons. Hear from a few of our team members first-hand how we’ve navigated these new waters and continue to prosper, pray, bless each other and our incredible members across the United States. […]

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History Makers Making History!

As the Patriot Mobile team arrived into our nation’s capital, we anticipated being surrounded by like-minded individuals that share our passion to protect the sanctity of life; however, the inspiration, love, and hope we experienced was nothing short of overwhelming. Patriot Mobile’s CEO, Ron Montgomery, described the atmosphere of the March for Life as “electric” […]

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