8:30am - 5:30pm M-F and 9am - 6:00pm on Sat | 469-FREEDOM

5 Things to Know About Sanctuary Cities

What is a Sanctuary City? What does it mean? And how does it affect me? Here are 5 points to help you navigate through the muddy water of politics as the term is being thrown about by those on both sides of the aisle. 1. What is a Sanctuary City?In short, a Sanctuary City is […]

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My Target Break-Up: It’s You, Not Me

Oh Target! How did I love thee? Let me count the ways. I loved idly browsing your end-caps as a method of Mommy Escapism, and I thrilled at the fantastic clearance deals I procured along the way. Stacking Cartwheel deals with sales and then adding a manufacturer’s coupons allowed me to obtain free toiletries for […]

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I am Feminine, but NOT a Feminist!

How have you been oppressed today? No, seriously! Take a minute, sit back, and mull over Every. Single. Moment. of your day to chew slowly on each thing that has bumped your little sphere of existence. Did someone’s choice of shirt offend you? Write that down. What about the Uber driver who had a cross […]

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Why A Re-Election Could End America

In the last few days, the news has been flooded with stories of how the Russians supposedly helped swing the United States election in favor of President-Elect Donald Trump. You know the premise: Trump and Putin are in cahoots with each other, and Russia would benefit from having Trump in power rather than Hillary (which […]

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Christ in Christmas

As we enjoy the festivities of this wonderful Christmas season, I hope we will all take time to reflect on the birth and life of Jesus Christ and remember His admonishment to serve others. We truly come to know Him and feel the unspeakable joy He has to offer when we take time to lift […]

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The Patriot’s Prayer

As we approach Election Day tomorrow, this is our Patriot’s Prayer: Our Father in heaven,hallowed be Your name.We set you above this nation, and we pray America endures for the steadfastness of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness in Your Name. Your kingdom come, Your will be done,on earth as it is in heaven.We […]

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What is America?

What is America? What is patriotism? What do the words such as “America,” “Freedom,” and “Liberty” evoke in our hearts? Lately, it seems as if everyone has his or her own opinion. Kaepernick believed in his right to free speech; others believed him to be anti-American for refusing to stand during the National Anthem. The […]

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A Tribute to the Greatest Generation

Every once in a while you come across something that speaks to your heart and you just have to share it. A young friend of mine posted this to Facebook the other night, and I am sharing it with his permission. It carries the raw emotion of a true patriot and someone whose heart was […]

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TRUMP- A Man of Action

Refreshing? Earth shattering? Surprising? Hopeful? Exciting? I am not sure there are enough adjectives to describe what it is like to finally have a candidate openly and unequivocally declare what they believe and then lay out a proposal that actually supports those beliefs. Well… Trump did both last night! He reaffirmed his belief that a […]

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