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AT&T has a long history of supporting abortion, especially candidates who support abortion.

For 25 years AT&T was a supporter of Planned Parenthood. It took an ugly shareholder fight at their annual meeting to get them to finally pull this annual donation. It seemed clear at the time that the executives and board did so reluctantly instead of as a change in policy and with a respect for life.

In fact, in the years immediately after this decision was forced on them, according to one researcher (http://www.ewtn.com/library/BUSINESS/ANTLEGAB.HTM) AT&T doubled their support for hard core pro-abortion politicians.

In the time since then, AT&T has continued to aggressively fund their liberal pro-abortion agenda. They have given untold millions of dollars to candidates at the local, state and federal level that are in support of abortion.

Barack Obama – The man who said “God Bless Planned Parenthood” was first supported by AT&T in 1998 when he was running for re-election as an Illinois state senator. Since then they have provided funds for him in each election cycle he has been involved in. In fact, since he first ran for Senate in 2004, they have given more money to Obama than they have to any other candidate – nearly twice as much as to the candidates with the second most donations. To top that off, AT&T was one of the largest corporate sponsors of Obama’s second inauguration – spending an estimated $3 million to throw him a party.

Hillary Clinton – The winner of Planned Parenthood’s founder award said how much she admired Planned Parenthood. She is also famous for her desire for abortion to be “Safe and Legal”. Despite not having run for office since 2008 – Hillary still qualifies as AT&T’s 2nd highest liberal beneficiary since 2004. Her husband was the #1 recipient of AT&T’s largesse in 1996. The AT&T foundation was also a major donor to the Clinton Foundation – which is now mired in scandal and admits to funding groups that help provide abortions.

In 2013, five liberal politicians introduced a bill that was designed to offset gains pro-life groups had won at the state level and ensure access to abortions. These politicians were Senator Richard Blumenthal, Senator Barbara Boxer, and Senator Tammy Baldwin, along with Reps. Lois Frankel and Marcia Fudge. All five of these politicians/abortion leaders were generously provided campaign funds by AT&T. (Verizon also gave to all five)

AT&T also supports up and coming young abortion leaders – Emily’s List, whose mission statement is to elect women in favor of abortion to office has an “our winners” section of their website and 14 of the 17 they call out received support from AT&T. (http://www.emilyslist.org/candidates/gallery/victories)

It is not just at the federal level that AT&T is having an impact on abortions. Naral-Pro Choice identified the 7 most promising state-level pro-choice politicians last year and AT&T had already given to 5 of the 7. (http://www.blogforchoice.com/archives/2014/01/-we-celebrated.html)

AT&T has provided tens of millions of dollars to liberals at all levels of elections throughout this country. In fact, they have provided funds to almost 10,000 election winners who were democrats.

How many abortions have occurred as a result of AT&T and their seemingly corporate focus on killing the unborn? Did the city councilman who was the swing vote on the new abortion clinic in town receive AT&T’s tainted money? What about the young state representative who beat the pro-life candidate thanks to AT&T’s support?

There is an alternative to the pro-abortion agenda pushed by the major phone companies.

Patriot Mobile is the Pro-Life phone company.

Patriot Mobile was founded on the core principle that life should be valued.

Patriot Mobile is a full service phone company offering high-speed LTE data and voice service throughout the country. We have access to many of your favorite devices and our price plans are a great value.

Patriot Mobile provides a portion of your bill to pro-life causes, candidates and groups. That way you can support your passion for life with every status update, tweet, text or phone call.

If you value life, shouldn’t your phone?